Saturday 17 September 2011

ਅਖਬਾਰੀ ਗੱਲਾਂ 17.09.2011


    Pay Scales, Allowances and Pensions of Punjab Government employees revised. Average increase to be around 27%.
    The Retirement age for all employees to be 60.
     Implementation of the revised pay scales from January 1,2006.
     Recommendations relating to allowances to be implemented from the date of notification by the Government.
    Five distinct running pay bands with longer spans being recommended-one running band each for all categories in groups D,C and B and 2 running pay bands for Group ‘A’.
     Each post has a distinct Grade Pay attached to it. Grade pay is linked to its seniority in the hierarchy.
    Total number of Pay Scales to remain 32, spread across five distinct running pay bands.
    Several categories of employees such as Teachers, Nurses, Constabulary to get higher pay scales.
    A person stagnating at the maximum of any pay band for more than one year continuously to be placed in the immediate next higher pay band without any change in the grade pay.
    Uniform Annual increment to be three percent of pay for all employees.
     The present system of Dearness Allowance on Central pattern to Continue.
    Existing fixed amount of allowances to be doubled and made inflation proof with a provision of 25% automatic increase whenever dearness allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%.
    5 percentage points increase in House Rent Allowance (HRA) for all areas in Punjab. However, City Compensatory Allowance to be discontinued.
    Rural Area Allowance to continue at 6%.
     TA/DA rates revised upwards.
     Transport Allowance for blind and orthopedically handicapped employees to continue with enhanced limit of Rs. 450/-.
     Employees allowed to encash 10 days of leave at the time of availing LTC with a maximum of 60 days during the entire career.60 days leave encashed not to be deducted from accumulated leave of 300 days.
    Education allowance of Rs. 500/- per child per month upto 2 children recommended.
    Fixed Medical Allowance raised to Rs. 500/- per month.
    Mobile allowance varying from Rs. 100 to 500 recommended for all employees.
     Non-Practicing Allowance of 25% of Basic Pay (NPA) to be given to Ayurvedic, Homeopathic and Veternary Doctors besides PCMS Doctors and Dentists.
    Officers on deputation as Faculty Members to Training Institutions to get 30% Deputation Allowance.
    Risk allowance to be replaced by risk insurance cover for employees ranging from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 15 lakhs.
    One increment recommended for Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees for limiting Family size to two children. An additional increment recommended for restricting family size to two children even when both children are girls.
     Ex-gratia to be increased from Rs. one lakh to Rs. 3 lakhs in case of death in harness and from Rs. 3 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs for death in the case of performance of duty such as dealing with riots terrorist attack or enemy action.
     A new mechanism for grant of advances to employees through approved banks suggested with an interest subsidy equal to two percentage points (4 percentage points for disabled employees) by the Government. Existing limits of various advances also increased with a provision made for their automatic revision periodically.
    All pensioners to have a fitment benefit on Central Pattern.
     Pension to be paid at 50% of the average emoluments/last pay drawn after 20 years of service without linking it to 33 years of qualifying service for grant of full pension.
    A liberal severance package recommended for employees leaving service between 15 to 20 years of service.
    Higher rates of pension for retirees and family pensioners on attaining the age of 80, 85, 90, 95 and 100 years while continuing with the existing old age allowance on attaining 65 and 75 years.
     In case of Government employees dying in riots or terrorist attack or enemy action, family pension to be paid at enhanced rate for 10 years.
     Devising of an appropriate insurance scheme suggested for meeting the medical needs of existing employees and pensioners.
    Citizen’s Charter to be compulsory for all the departments.
     E-governance and use of new information technology recommended for delivery of public services.
    Toll free help lines to be set up by the departments for effective delivery of Government Services.
    Use of Lok Adalats for dispute resolution encouraged.
     Specifically designed Training Programmes recommended for officers to ensure success of Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives.
     In-service training made necessary for promotion to higher grades after completion of 9 and 14 years of service.
     Multi-skilling of Group ‘D’ employees to encourage.
    Merger of the Secretariat and Personal Staff cadres suggested in the Civil Secretariat. All future recruitment to be made as Executive Assistants with minimum qualifications of Graduation and one year Diploma in Computers. Executive Assistants to discharge the functions presently being carried out by Assistants as well as the Personal Staff.
    Recommendations of the Commission would lead to an additional expenditure of Rs. 2050 crores per annum for serving employees and Rs. 650 crores for pensioners.
    Recommendations of the Commission are estimated to cost Rs. 3450 crores for serving employees and Rs. 1350 crores for pensioners for payment of arrears.
     All the recommendations to be treated as an organic whole as partial implementation will bring in anomalies and inconsistencies.
Approximate Salary 
Of ETT & B.Ed Teachers
Ett Teachers (10,300+4200):
Basic Pay = 16,290
DA @ 58% = 9448
HRA @ 10% =1629
RA @ 6% = 977
Medical = 500
Total Pay = 28,844
Deduction(CPF) =2573
Cash in Hand = 26,271

B.Ed Teachers(10,300+4600) :
Basic Pay = 18,030
DA @ 58% = 10,457
HRA @ 10% = 1803
RA @ 6% = 1081
Medical = 500
Total Pay =31,871
Deduction(CPF) = 2848
Cash in Hand = 29,023

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